Sunday, March 9, 2014

The near panic over Arizona

I was really, really concerned about Arizona's Senate Bill 1062 that would have made it legal for private businesses to defend their practices as based on religious beliefs--if there were complaints alleging discrimination.

Of course, I have my own opinions on this issue, as much as I expect any of my fellow citizens to have their own opinions as well. However, my worry over the bill was not as citizen Sriram but as APCG's officer.

My worry was this simple question: "What if this bill becomes the law and if quite a few members then decide not to attend the annual meeting at Tucson?"

It is not uncommon for people to vote with their wallets--a trait that is to be expected in a market economy anyway.  Further, as Charles Tiebout pointed out a while ago, to the extent possible, we vote with our feet.  Thus, if the geographers' feet and wallets did not show up at Tucson because of this bill ...

I was relieved when Governor Jan Brewer vetoed the bill.  The APCG dodged a bullet, so to speak.

We are past that obstacle, and soon it will be time for the AAG annual meeting.  Later in the spring, APCG's election process will begin.  Stay tuned.

For those of us teaching and learning in the quarter system, we are dealing with the pace of the term that is coming to an end. Which also means that spring break is not far behind, for the semester folks too.  As for the retired, as my neighbor loves pointing it out to me, every day is a spring break!

Working or retired, it is time to breathe a sigh of relief and to enjoy the blossoms.

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